17 Tháng Mười Hai 200812:00 SA(Xem: 17998)

June 25, 1989


People are only unknown bodies if they do not get in touch with themselves. If they are unknown to themselves, then they always do what they really do not want and do things that are not right for their life. They say one way and act a different way, then give excuses to themselves. Moreover, when people give excuses to themselves or to others, they use their mundane logic mind. With pure logic or pure mind, there is no excuse, no explanation. It is what it is and that is it. There is no reason for that. No goal to achieve. There is no “because” involved.


People who do not get in touch with themselves will lead an unknown life, a life with no map. They live in a puzzle. One day, they see their life go in this way, and another day, they see their life go in another way. They see each way depending on their moods and their feelings, yet their feelings change every moment.

People who do not get in touch with themselves cannot have clairvoyance, because if they cannot see themselves, how can they see others, and without clairvoyance there is only confusion.

People who get in touch with themselves will get in touch with their deep level of feeling. They know what they really need, really want, the problem that they are having, the problem that they are facing, and the problem that they have to solve. These people know what they have to do for their life. Moreover, when they know what they need to do for themselves, they will know what they need to do for their interrelated persons. They can release themselves from selfishness.

Selfishness is a hindrance between them and others, which isolates them among others.

Selfishness puzzles them, and makes them reject others, and of course makes them reject themselves in reverse. Selfishness limits them from opening their whole heart to others, from giving and receiving love and energy of the universe.

The energy is everywhere. This is the life force, and there is no limit to receive it. There is no limit to receive light, power, and strength. There is no limit for knowledge or clairvoyance.

There is no limit beyond us. There is no limit of time and space. There is no limit between you and other human beings; this is why clairvoyant people can read the others' mind.

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