VAN DEVANTER, a 33 year old
clothes and his photograph fell down. She compared the happy young man standing with his girl friend in the picture and the mass of blood vessels and bruised skin in front of her and she felt sick. (7)
In an article on the editorial page of The Los Angeles Times, LYNDA wrote "I am reminded of tiny children with their arms and legs blown off. I remember a pregnant woman with a wound in her stomach, and her child delivered by Caesarean Section –- a child who entered this life with a gunshot wound in his stomach..." (8)
woman veteran is KATHY GUNSON who was stationed at the 85th
DU VALL will always remember pumping blood into an 18-year-old
DUVALL worked in hospitals in Da-Nang and Long-Binh from July 1970 to July
1971. She said in an interview, "In
Da-Nang, there was no one to protect us. If there was a red alert while I was sleeping, I'd have to put a helmet
and jacket on and crawl under my bed." She noted that nurses had the tendency to over-invest emotionally in
their patients even if their chances of survival were poor. She said: "These men were very grateful,
probably the most grateful patients I have ever had. We worked twelve hours a day, six days a
week. And we'd often work on our day
off." According to Mrs. DU VALL, on
other women veterans, entertainer CHRIS NOEL was wearing fashionable mini
skirts and trying to mend the troops' minds (12). She was the first woman for the Armed Forces
Radio who voluntarily spent five to eight weeks at a time in
and motion picture actress NOEL also said in an interview "I built
morale. I did for morale what LYNDA did
for bodies on the operation table. I did
it with energy and a lot of smiles. I
went to fire bases, I landed in helicopters across
She also spent long hours at hospitals and aid stations, chatting with the maimed and burned, giving autographs on bandages and casts. She also trooped out to rifle companies and visited the motor pools and maintenance shops, even the morgue and grave registration office. (15)
Sharing her feelings with LISA CONNOLLY from The Los Angeles Times, Ms. NOEL said she got mad at herself twice because she broke down in front of people. Once she was sitting in a small tent out in a field and a tiny Vietnamese boy was dying, his stomach bloated from starvation and from eating garbage. She looked at the GIs,
the medics, the boy's father, and she couldn't take it. She had to leave. (16)