12 Tháng Năm 201012:00 SA(Xem: 16229)

To want to live without your feelings is a chimera. If you have ever thought that you could live without your feelings you might not yet know about yourself; you might just be fooling or restraining yourself.

To live with nature is in the KNOWING. Knowing of all the six senses and the six sense-objects does not mean being lured by the six senses and the six sense-objects. To imagine that you live outside of the six senses and the six sense-objects is to live in blindness and darkness, as you do yet know yourself but only think you do.

As long as you are in this world and have a human body, you still live with the six senses and the six sense-objects. You know them, you live with them, but you are not lured by them: this is the Righteous Way. You know them, you live with them, and you are lured by them: this is the Evil Way.

The more you know them, the more you realize that they are vices, the more they will help you to become enlightened, to be far away from Utopia and to be with the world, and to become more Humble. Those who think of themselves being virtuous, pure, and chaste still live in Delusion and far away from the WAY.


To know well the senses, and the six sense-objects will help you to decide what to do or not to do in each situation. However, we always have to live with them, because without them our Knowing no longer exists. Therefore, the six senses and the six sense-objects are very important. Without them we would lose the light source, human contacts, and the universe. That is why those who are handicapped will develop other capacities to compensate for those they do not have.

Religious practitioners live with their feelings, not without their feelings. To live with feelings means to live a full life. To live with feeling also means to develop each feeling without suppressing it. When it can be fully developed, it will help us to go back to emptiness. If you suppress your feelings you will not know them, and without knowing them you will be unable to know yourself. This could lead to wrong thoughts and acts. These might not come from the original feelings but are the unintended consequences of these feelings, which change into other thoughts and acts because they have no link to the main source. For that reason, many people talk but do not know what they say, and they act but do not know what they do. They do not know their six sources of awareness and cannot look for the cause. If you know the six sources of awareness well enough, you will recognize them as they arise and can lead them back to emptiness and avoid unexpected consequences.

Having learned about this, we no longer disregard the six sources of awareness or the six senses and the six sense-objects, since they are given to us by God and we have the choice to use them to step into the light.

Those who have done wrong and wicked deeds and who have recognized their wrongdoings will be purified, as they can go back to the cycle of emptiness. Therefore, the KNOWING is the PURIFICATION.

Religious practitioners should know themselves thoroughly to redeem their sins and their causes and effects. If they do not KNOW THEMSELVES to liberate themselves, even A THOUSAND LIVES OF RELIGIOUS PRACTICE will not redeem their karmic effects, and they will be in perpetual samsãra.

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