22 Tháng Năm 201212:00 SA(Xem: 14543)

Each spontaneous thought should be carried out without being delayed by mundane cleverness, which may cause withdrawal, change of direction, or negligence. Any thought that mundane cleverness disregards, when it suddenly returns, is the right thing and should be carried out.

From this point, Providence will always evolve and won’t recede. All deeds will adapt to providential changes, not to arrangements or wishes by people. Be adaptive to circumstances. All obstacles are there to guide the way, and one should be alert so as to know them and act accordingly.

Be brave enough to speak up, to act, and to be truthfully what is in your mind, with the blessings of the High-Above, in order to achieve. End all fear and step forward.

The faithful one who is loyally devoted to religious practice will escape all dangers. Those with a mission to practice the Way are chosen and judged by the High-Above, are no longer subject to the astrological odds of fortune and misfortune, but will work under the guidance of the High-Above. The challenges are there to reinforce their awareness of the Way, to forge their learning process, to deepen their experience and knowledge in order to confront the obstacles caused by others’ wrongdoings. Do steadily step forward. Be honest, loyal, faithful to the Way, to the Prophet, and to the Patriarch, so you will be protected by the High-Above until you reach all fulfillments.

As the path becomes more difficult, with waves and winds, your willpower will be stronger. Keep your mind steady and determined to step forward, and you will realize your wishes.

All events are good opportunities for the evolution of the Way. All things will revolve around one axis to support the course of action of the Righteous Way. All faithful minds will be united in one mind to glorify the Hoa Hao Buu Son Ky Huong (Exquisite Perfume from Precious Mountains) Buddhism.

Be perseverant and patient to step forward; overcome all obstacles to practice the Righteous Way.

A strong and steady faith will eventually conquer all fear and weakness.



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