Those who say they do not need to receive are in fact the ones who need to receive the most.
Those who talk about the Great Ego actually think about their own ego.
Those who talk about human love actually think about themselves, as they yearn and are deprived of true love more than anyone else.
Those who talk about human love are actually the loneliest.
Those who say they do not need to be understood actually want others to understand them most.
Those who say they love others actually hate them the most.
Those who say they would forgive actually do not forgive anyone.
Those who say they have no ambition are in fact ambitious.
Those who say they would sacrifice do not know what sacrifice actually means.
Those who say they practice the Way do not practice at all.
Those who say they are generous are in fact selfish.
Those who say no one understands them actually would not understand anyone.
Those who say they know actually do not know anything.
Those who say they are pious are in fact impious.
Those who say they are dignified are in fact undignified.
Those who talk about peace actually make war.
Those who talk about building the community actually do disservice to the community.
Those who talk about promoting culture and art actually harm culture and art.
Those who say they serve the religion actually bring it down.
Those who talk about unity actually cause separation.
Those who talk about love for the nation and people actually do not love their own country and people.
Those who say they are not jealous are in fact more jealous than anyone else.
Those who talk about love actually do not know what love is.
Those who teach others about love should learn how to love.
Those who want to teach others have as much to learn from them.
Those who say they truly love are in fact greedy in love.